Dears, great news!
People all around the world are getting interested in life beyond Earth! I am happy to inform you that the Polish Astrobiology Society would like to invite everyone to the Life and Space 2021 conference! The conference will be held on 29/09 - 01/10/2021. It’s a great opportunity to learn more about space and meet great people working in space-related sectors. The tickets are only for $3.00 and you can get one here: https://hopin.com/events/life-and-space-2021-conference-ptastrobio
Everyone is also encouraged to submit a presentation or poster. Registration via the website: https://astrobio.pl/life-and-space-2021/. Deadline for registration is 31/08/2021. The conference website contains details of the event and the schedule.
Special guests of the conference will be: Jason Dworkin, PhD (Senior Scientist, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA), Sara Imari Walker, PhD (Associate Professor, School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University; External Faculty, Santa Fe Institute), Prof. Jacek Krełowski (Professor at Institute of Physics, Rzeszów University), Nils Averesch, PhD (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University; Center for Utilization of Biological Engineering in Space, California, USA). The conference will be held in English.
Link to the event on Facebook: https://fb.me/e/OtFzlMKa
It’s wonderful to see how astrobiology is connecting people from different parts of the world. Let’s start networking and make this community even bigger!
